Passion program
Accessible to beginners
Objective: Surfing independently, making the most of the waves
8 sessions of 2 hours — 1 video coaching
This course provides you with the essential foundations to become a true surfer or to perfect your technique for the more advanced.
During this course, you will explore reef spots.
Enfant (–12 ans) :
359 USD
319 USD
Passion program overview
Group discount (≥ 3 people) up to -25%Early Birds Discount: -5% for any booking 2 months in advance
Prices are indicated in US dollarsYou are free to pay in the currency of your choice (EUR/IDR/...)
Surf lessons last 2 hours, with 1.5 hours in the waterTimings are set according to tides and availability
1 instructor for 3 participantsYou can surf with your family (minimum age 8 years)
Ce stage est accessible aux débutants et aux intermédiairesNos moniteurs sauront les adapter selon votre niveau et vos attentes
Sessions can be arranged according to your holiday schedule. Maximum of two per day. School open 7 days a week
Complete surf gear provided (rash guard, leggings, sunscreen, helmet...)Just bring your swimsuit and towel
Sont inclus dans le tarif : assurance, matériel de surf complet, transport aller-retour, eau, et goodies...