Date of Birth :  25 march 1988
History : Discover Bali during a “Surf-Trip” in 2011. He fell under the spell of the waves and Indonesian culture. He has a perfect knowledge of Surf spots in Bali.

Qualifications :
• Sports Educator’s Certificate in Surf (French surf federation)
• Lifeguard surf rescue certificate
• Level 1 Team First Aid (France rescue)
• ISA level 1 and 2 Certificate (International Surfing Association)

Years of Surfing : since the age of 12
Regular or Goofy
: Regular
Favorite Spots : irport Right and Serangan (Bali), La Vielle Longe (Oléron), Mentawai and secret spots…
Favorite surfer : John John Florence
Favorite food : Babi Guling ( Balinese grilled pork)


Date of Birth : 5 February 1985
History : Discovered Bali in 2009 and fell in love with the island and it’s perfect waves. He then decided to create ”BALI OCEAN SURF ”.
and now realizes his dream : Living from his passion in Bali !

Qualifications :
• Sports Educator’s Certificate in Surf
• Lifeguard surf rescue certificate
Level 1 Team First Aid

Years of surfing : since the age of 7
Regular ou Goofy
: Regular
Favorites spots : Padang-Padang (Bali), Punta Blanca (Canaries), Verresses (Bretagne), Ribeira Grande (Açores) and secret spots…
Favorite surfer : Jamie O’Brien
Favorite food : Black Wheat Egg-Ham-Cheese Galette

French instructors certified ISA (level 1 and 2) and BPJEPS (french federation)

More then 10 years Instructor experience,
coaching surf in Bali

Instructors are life-saving, first aid, and surf rescue certified. (PSE1)

Unique and modern pedagogy to learn everything about surfing and ocean.

 Instructors certified ISA (level 1 and 2) and BPJEPS (fr state diploma) 

Experimented instructors,
over 10 years surf coaching in Bali.

Instructors are life-saving, first aid, and surf rescue certified. (PSE1). 

Unique and modern pedagogy to learn everything about surfing and ocean.

Julien's senior first aid and CPR certificate surf instructor at bali ocean surf

surf rescue certificate diploma of Julien surf instructor in Bali ocean surf

Julien's PSE1 certificate as a surf instructor at Bali Ocean Surf

PSE1 certificate surf instructor Pierrik in Bali Ocean Surf

professional certificate of education of the sport of the youth of pierrik instructor of surfing in Bali ocean surf

international surfing association diploma of Julien surf instructor in Bali ocean surf

International surfing association diploma of Julien surf instructor in Bali ocean surf

surf instructors at bali ocean surf at seminyak
surf instructor at bali ocean surf at seminyak
surf lesson by surf instructor at bali ocean surf at seminyak
surf instructor at bali ocean surf at seminyak
surf instructor at bali ocean surf at seminyak
surf instructor at bali ocean surf at seminyak
surf instructor at bali ocean surf at seminyak
surf instructor at bali ocean surf at seminyak
surf instructor at bali ocean surf at seminyak
surf instructor at bali ocean surf at seminyak at legian beach